Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Baked Salmon

For those who know me, you'd prolly know that I love salmon. Best fish you can get... Healthy. Cod is one of my other favourites. Anyways, this is a oven-toaster dish. Don't have one? Just try pan-frying. Works as well. This doesn't take more than 5 minutes to prepare

1) Wash the fish that you bought!
You prolly bought it from the local supermarket. Give it a bit of a wash and pat dry with kitchen towels.

2) Marinate with salt and pepper.
Not too much salt. Go easy, cos you don't want to die of heart attack too young. Pepper, go generous on it! Use coarse pepper! Sprinkle the salt and pepper over the fish. If you have a bottle of Masterfood's Italian herbs, put a dash on as well. Adds a nice herby taste to the food.

3) Wrap the marinated fish with aluminium foil. Put aside in fridge for at least 2 hours. No marinated meats taste good without sufficient time to sit in.

4) Cut a bit of butter which you have left in the open for a while (this is to soften the bugger... i mean butter). Drop the dollop onto the fish in the foil.

5) Dunk the wrapped fish into the oven-toaster for 20 minutes.

6) Cooked to perfection and ready to serve.


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