Monday, July 30, 2007

banana toffee pie

on the very same night we produced the new dish of '07, oceanna and i made up this banana toffee pie. someone gave her this recipe and its pretty easy... and... choking sweet siah.

so what do you need?

a can of condensed milk
10 digestive biscuits (mashed up)
20g of butter (softened)
abt 100g bananas (sliced)
whipping cream (whip it till its stiff!)

step 1: open can of condensed milk and boil it over small fire. remember to stir constantly or you get lots and lots of burnt toffee! a bit burnt enough already.

step 2: crush the digestives. spoon out enough into the base of your pie tray. say about nearly 0.5cm thick on the base is good. put in your 20g softened butter, mix well with the crumbs in the base tray. make sure that its all nicely stuck together like a cheesecake base.

step 3: condensed milk toffeed yet? if it is, turn off the fire! it probably will thicken after a bit of interaction with the air when the sugars in the condensed milk crystallises. spoon out 2 big spoons of it and layer it nicely atop your pie base.

step 4: put some sliced bananas on.

step 5: put more digestives

step 6: repeat step 3 to 5, till you hit the top of the container you have. now then give it a good squish on the top to make sure that its all nicely gummed up.

step 7: put your whipped whipping cream on top and ta da!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

new dish 2007

oceanna and i came together to cook today again. we've been cooking for the last 2 weeks and i'm actually becoming prouder and prouder of what i do, what i cook.

besides the recipe that you are about to see for the very fantastic dish below... i've actually included a recommendation to a new cafe, that i really like and i hope that you guys can give it a shot - help chef david and peter make it better. here's the map... oops, long list right? look for food for thought! its a cafe name lah, not food for you to think about. whaaaaaaat the fish only.

now more abt FFT. simple and small setup, but totally introduces a variety of food that one would find absolutley refreshing. its light and gentle on the tongue. really!!! they only serve 3 types of food mah... 3 Ss! Sandwiches, Salads and Soups! try to know ah?

Yes, now onto our new dish. yah lah yah lah, i know that i cannot shoot photograph as nice as chubbyhubby and make it actually tantalising looking. BUT! what you see is what you get. hey, i tried ok... using my err... canon powershot compact that's really 3 yrs old :D

now. potatos first. just thinly slice it and pan fry with oil. no need butter. leave the skin on hoh. that's where the nutrients are.

french beans and rashers. puah, this one hoh eh. french beans chop off the ends. chop into half. chop some garlic up. lightly fry the garlic, just to get the fragrance into the oil. then toss in the beans. fry them!

take out your bacon. put 1 piece onto a chopping board. put some beans in... about 7-8 pieces on and start to roll the beans innit. now turn on your oven toaster (brillant device!) to heat it up before you stuff the rest of the rashers you rolled into it. stick a toothpick if you want into the rasher that is rolled with beans, just to hold it together. grill the set together in the toaster oven for 10 minutes.

chicken... now this one very simple. marinate with... oyster sauce, light soy sauce, italian herbs, 5 spice powder (magical ingredient) and... freshly grinded black pepper. grill on your hot pan.

ta da!!!!