Monday, July 30, 2007

banana toffee pie

on the very same night we produced the new dish of '07, oceanna and i made up this banana toffee pie. someone gave her this recipe and its pretty easy... and... choking sweet siah.

so what do you need?

a can of condensed milk
10 digestive biscuits (mashed up)
20g of butter (softened)
abt 100g bananas (sliced)
whipping cream (whip it till its stiff!)

step 1: open can of condensed milk and boil it over small fire. remember to stir constantly or you get lots and lots of burnt toffee! a bit burnt enough already.

step 2: crush the digestives. spoon out enough into the base of your pie tray. say about nearly 0.5cm thick on the base is good. put in your 20g softened butter, mix well with the crumbs in the base tray. make sure that its all nicely stuck together like a cheesecake base.

step 3: condensed milk toffeed yet? if it is, turn off the fire! it probably will thicken after a bit of interaction with the air when the sugars in the condensed milk crystallises. spoon out 2 big spoons of it and layer it nicely atop your pie base.

step 4: put some sliced bananas on.

step 5: put more digestives

step 6: repeat step 3 to 5, till you hit the top of the container you have. now then give it a good squish on the top to make sure that its all nicely gummed up.

step 7: put your whipped whipping cream on top and ta da!


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